22 Ottobre 2024
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Vegetable tanned leather in Tuscany


The Genuine Italian Vegetable Tanned Leather Consortium regulates, protects and guarantees the production of Tuscan vegetable tanned leather with the quality trademark “Pelle Conciata al Vegetale in Toscana” (Tuscan Vegetable Tanned Leather).
The trademark is registered in Italy and abroad and is the exclusive property of the Consortium, which grants it in use only to its affiliated tanneries.


The use of this consortium brand is bound to the observance of the Technical Production Regulations issued by the Consortium, which all associated tanneries are obliged to comply with.
The Product Specification contains a precise definition of “vegetable tanned leather”, establishes that the production process in its qualifying phases must be carried out entirely in the Tuscan territory, and provides that leathers produced under the Tuscan Vegetable Tanned Leather brand must comply with a production technical sheet with precise physical and chemical parameters of reference.
To identify and guarantee the leather complying with these principles, the Consortium has created a guarantee label equipped with a system of traceability of the supply chain.


The guarantee label “Pelle Conciata al Vegetale in Toscana” is a certificate of authenticity of the leather that certifies the quality, the Tuscan origin and the workmanship process of the vegetable tanned leather produced by the consortium tanneries.
The tag is equipped with a traceability system that allows the consortium to identify both the tannery supplying the leather and the distributor of the finished product. It is available in several bilingual versions.
To complete the warranty kit, the Consortium proposes the guarantee seal, made of natural cotton cord with irreversible closure bearing the consortium logo.
The combined use of the two instruments will be a further reason of safety and distinction from possible attempts to counterfeit the brand and an aesthetic advantage in terms of elegance of presentation of the product.


Customers of associated tanneries who purchase leather that complies with the Consortium Production Regulations can request guarantee labels, subject to signing a contract for the license to use them. The signing of the contract authorizes customers to apply the “Pelle Conciata al Vegetale in Toscana” guarantee tag to their finished products.
The guarantee tags and seals are distributed only by the Genuine Italian Vegetable Tanned Leather Consortium.
How to get them:
1. Send a written request to the email address info@pellealvegetale.it specifying your interest in signing the contract and the name of the associated tannery from which the leather is purchased. The consortium will send you the original contract in duplicate by express courier.

2. Fill in, stamp and sign both original copies of the contract and return them to the consortium secretariat by courier or postal service. The order form to request guarantee tags and seals will also be provided with the contract.

3. Complete the order form, in all its parts, and send it by fax or e-mail to the consortium. The tags can only be used to distinguish finished products made from vegetable tanned leather provided by tanneries member of the consortium and compliant with its Production Regulations.

4. Orders for tags and guarantee seals will be accepted only if they refer to purchases of leather made at the associated tanneries in the last 90 days.

5. Consortium will verify with the member tannery that the quantity of tags requested is in conformity with the quantity of leather purchased and will send the customer an accounting note with all the data to make the payment.

6. Once the payment has been received, the consortium will send the tags to the destination address indicated on the order form. For the first order shipping is free. For subsequent orders shipping costs will be charged to the customer, who must indicate on the order form the courier / forwarder to use.

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